Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Butt Grab Grandma

On Saturday, I was standing on a Seoul subway, minding my own business. I was in Seoul to pick up my mom from the airport. Anyway, as I was standing there, I felt someone really aggressively and repeatedly grab my butt. It was weird and scary. I turned around, ready to start screaming like I was being stabbed, when I noticed that the only person anywhere near me was an old lady, an ajumma. It was then that I realized that the ajumma was the one molesting me.

I looked at the ajumma and we made eye contact. It was then that she revealed the reason for her bad touches: she wanted to let me know that a seat was now available and that I should take it. That was all.

Why couldn’t she have just tapped me on the shoulder like a normal person? I am now scarred for life!


  1. She probably thought it was a convenient way to get your attention. This is like when the old man took my Costco pie on the train.

  2. Did I ever tell you about the bum that grabbed my butt when I was 8/9 years old? I feel your pain.

  3. No, you did not tell me about the bum that molested you. Sounds scary!
