Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Old Classroom

I recently started teaching at a new school. Although I like the new school, I do miss one thing from the old school - having my own classroom. So, here are the pics I took from my last day of the old school.


Now you all know what I did with all those postcards that I asked you to send to me.

This is the All Star Board. If a student did all of their online homework, all of their book homework, and got an A+ on the weekly review test, their name went onto the board and they got a small prize. I added a star next to the student's name if they were an All Star again.

The kids loved the Twilight poster (it says Eclipse in Korean) and the pictures of my pets. They were great conversation starters for shy classes.


My mom sent me the Welcome sign. No student ever mentioned it. I kinda doubt they noticed it.
The sign below it says "No ramen in the class" in Korean and English. The kids will eat packets of ramen noodles dry and it is super messy.



I used to tease the kids that this was the Wall of Super Awesome-ness. They laughed whenever I called it that but, they figured out that I switched the papers each week and they would all come in and check to see if their work made it onto the wall.

My mom also sent me this.

This classroom had a really nice flat screen that was connected to my computer. I had it because I taught an upper level listening class that had a DVD component. I would show the kids a short DVD clip about the day's topic and they would take notes on it. It was actually really good for my other classes too. If we had an unfamiliar topic, I could just go on Youtube and find a video that explained the topic. Or, I could do a Google Image search for whatever we were talking about and show them the pictures. I really miss this at my new school.


  1. Wait, so what does your new classroom look like? Do you have to share the room? are you allowed to hang stuff... I'm amazed at how tech it is... It lookes like the classrooms here... =)

  2. I don't have a new classroom. The new school has the teachers rotate rooms every hour and the kids stay in the same room for 2 or 3 hour chunks. So, I go to 8-9 different classrooms a week. Also, this school has no technology in the rooms. No flat screen and no computer.

  3. You had the nicest classroom in Dunsan.
