Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My (Ajumma) Hero!

My love and respect of ajummas has grown. I recently had my honor defended by an anonymous ajumma. I was very thankful for her help. Plus, it was hilarious.

It all started when I was walking home during my break from work. As I was walking, a strange man approached me. The man started speaking to me in Korean. I have no idea what he was saying but, I could tell that it wasn’t exactly polite.

As the man was verbally accosting me, an elderly Korean woman swooped in. The lady looked me up and down and decided that I didn’t look like that type of girl. She immediately jumped into Hero Mode.

The woman grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her. She then looked over at the man and gave him a very strong, angry tongue lashing. I don’t know what she said but, she really laid into him. The lady then pulled me away and we walked off, arm in arm, in a huff. She actually walked me the remaining half block to my apartment building. I guess she was worried that the man would follow me.

When we got to the building, I tried to thank the woman. One of the few words in Korean that I know is “thank you.” So, at least I was able to convey that. The lady smiled at me and returned my bow. It was all very cute.

So, thank you, Anonymous Ajumma. You are awesome!

The man is lucky that this lady wasn't around.
(She is Keiko Fukuda. She became a tenth degree black belt in Judo at 98 years old.)


  1. eww that kind of guys are just everywhere >.< glad that the lady helped you out =)

  2. I had a guy bug me about my salary info. He was very aggressive. I just answer yes to everything like David Sedaris.

  3. Grandmas are warriors in any country!!! They have magic scolding powers. =)
