Thursday, September 13, 2012

America: Home of the…Zombies?

It seems like America really has to clamp down on the media. Our image abroad is getting stranger and stranger with all of the weird news stories that come out of the US.

Recently, I had this conversation with a kindergartener:

Kid: Ms. Jennifer, I’m glad you came to Korea.

Me: Oh, why is that?

Kid: Because I don’t want you to get eaten by zombies.

Me: Huh?

Kid: Yeah, it was on the news. America has zombies. It’s good you came to Korea. You’re safe here.

I’d like to say that this was an isolated event but, it wasn’t. Other students have asked me if America is overrun with zombies, if I saw a zombie, if I know anyone who is a zombie, etc.

So, yeah, people abroad think we have zombies running around America. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so embarrassing.

Rudy Eugene: 
The guy solely responsible for the zombie rumors.


  1. Students think because I'm from South Africa I'm a cannibal.

    1. I never knew South Africans were cannibals!

    2. Melissa, I'll vouch that you're not a cannibal if you'll vouch that I'm not a zombie.

  2. Well I'm a zombie and you know me!!! And don't forget, you're an alien too.... =) LoL!!

    1. Don't perpetuate the rumors! I am, however, a card carrying alien.
